The Inner Critic & Your Self Esteem

You may notice that inner critic. The self-critical voice that likes to have a running commentary over your life.

Dictating what you “should” and “shouldn’t” do. How you “should” and “shouldn’t” feel. What you “should” and “shouldn’t” think.

It may compare us to others who we see as doing “better”.

It may tell you that “you aren’t good enough”. That you haven’t reached some sort of expectation set by other people.

Being human, means we all have these moments. We compare to others and say: "I'm 30 years old and still haven't got my career mapped out". I bet the voice even sprung up something you'd rather not think about then too.

It's a funny thing that voice. It can bring up painful memories, embarrassing moments and perceived failures at will.

What can you do about it?

Well, we've already discussed it likes to work on auto-pilot. So it's always there. You may try telling it to shut up. Then you realise this doesn't stop it either. You may try to block it out. Or you may let it take the lead- follow it down every rabbit hole possible. One minute you're watching TV, then the next you're feeling back in the body of an awkward teenager reliving painful memories you'd rather not.

I ask you to take a moment and think about it this way.

Is the voice actually the issue or is it our perception of the voice?

Our issues begin when we start to believe what the voice has to say. We mistake this constant chatter for truth. We lose touch with our own sense of self, our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that make us who we are. We find it drowns us out in a sense.

Step 1:

Observing the voice

So since we can't stop it. It can prove helpful to sit with it and observe. Does it seem to lean toward the past or the future. In what moments do we find it seems louder? Do we notice it more when were in public, in a busy environment or when were by ourselves?

This gives us information to work with. By ourselves could highlight something to do with when were feeling lonely or our experience of silence.

In public or groups it may highlight our insecurities around others.

We start to map it out.

I want you to imagine the voice as a friend in human form, that follows you around all day. Chattering away about anything and everything.

Blog Articles

The Inner Critic & Your Self Esteem


I work from a quiet and comfortable room in Oldbury (Hagley Road West) and in Sutton Coldfield (Mere Green). I also work online across the UK.


Feel free to send an enquiry to see how I can help or contact me on 07405221011.

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